
Why Is It Important To Have Dress Codes

Better Essays

Cavoli 1
Julia Cavoli
Dr. Wenzler
Freshman Honors English
6 April 2017
There has been a debate to whether dress codes impact the school environment. Students go through school learning to respect their teachers and classmates. But as time has gone on, the dress code has not been enforced. Rules are there to help classes run smoothly, keep everyone out of harm's way and to keep students in order. Teachers need to start enforcing the dress code and respecting authority now, so they can prepare their students for the future. When students get jobs, they will …show more content…

An appropriate dress code may stop students from looking at each other in a sexual way. Students who wear inappropriate clothes to school can be more distracting than students wearing conservative clothing. Students need to realize that following the dress code shows others that they care about their appearance (Should Schools). Depending on what a student wears to school, it could be how the student wants to express themselve. Inappropriate clothing worn by a student may get frowned upon by a teacher and laughed at by peers. “West Goshen Elementary adopted its dress code to “give students a foundation for success,” says assistant principal Marvin Lane” (Greenberg). A student attending West Goshen explains how the dress code stopped bullying. An enforced dress code can help reduce the peer pressure and inform students about the boundaries within the dress code. “Dress codes can also help cut down on bullying by taking away from what students are wearing” (Should Schools). Many students feel obligated to dress like the popular kids to fit in. As students get older, the urge to fit in becomes higher. Students who are worrying about their appearance are a distraction to what kids are supposed to come to school for. They are here to learn and figure out what they want to do in their future. Enforcing the dress code can help reduce distractions and help students focus on their

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