
Why Is Hiroshima Bombing Justified

Decent Essays

Hiroshima On August 6, 1945 an explosion blew up the city of Hiroshima. It was reduced to rubble. In the months leading up to the bomb, WWII was close to being over. Germany had surrendered but Japan wasn't ready to give up without a fight. The USA issued a warning to Japan but Japan ignored it. The USA went ahead with their plan and dropped the atomic bomb from a B-29 which brought havoc to Hiroshima. The bombing of Hiroshima was justified because it saved American lives, the Japanese had been given an ultimatum and the bomb was a retaliation for the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The atomic bomb dropping saved hundreds of thousands of American lives. If the bomb hadn’t been dropped, then the two land invasions of Japan would have resulted in 1.2 …show more content…

The US’s declaration of unconditional surrender was called the Potsdam Declaration and it was issued on July 26, 1945 demanding that Japan surrender or face utter destruction. In addition to administering the Potsdam Declaration, US warplanes rained 63 million leaflets on 35 cities that were to be targeted by the bomb. These leaflets said that these 35 cities ,which got the leaflets, should evacuate due to the fact that they were being targeted by US warplanes. The Japanese had known that the US had something specially planned for them, so it was fair game to drop the bomb. Also the leaflets stated that the Japanese should evacuate but since they ignored the leaflets and didn’t evacuate the people, they had to suffer the consequences. In addition, the Potsdam Declaration was never responded to so the US went ahead with their plan and dropped the atomic bomb. This was entirely Japan’s government fault because although many Japanese citizens feared of what was to come and believed the leaflet, the Japanese arrested anyone who had a copy of it. The atomic bomb was justified due to the negligence of Japan not responding to the Potsdam Declaration or following the orders of the

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