
Why Is Gollum Important In The Hobbit

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In the novel the hobbit ,there is a character named gollum his importance in the book is very high..Gollum is kind of wierd,and he talks to himelf.In the chapter It shows what kind of character gollum is,and how bilbo got the rings with many powers.In the novel There are three resons why gollum is important.The first is what if gollum makes another suprise apperance,the second is it sowed some of the creepy chracters in the hobbit,and somehting caould happen to gollum thoe are the three reason why gollums impotance is high in the noe the hobbit. First of all,gollum is important because gollum could be a main character,or a surprise arrival in the book.Gollum could come back,and be a villain or could be a good person.Gollu could lose help a lot of the characters at the end.As yu can see gollums importance is very high .Like in books they don not introduce a random charater for no reason,the character has to mean something in the story.My point is proven on the very high importance of gollum in the novel the hobbit. …show more content…

In the novel the hobbit gollum play a very wired character,although he plays a wierd character in the story ,I htink his importanc eis high.My point proves that golms importance is very high in the

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