
Why Is Death Penalty Wrong

Decent Essays

Death Penalty

This is it. You got off easy for the crime you commited. For that lady you murdered because of your anger issues. Or maybe for that 13 year old girl you raped because she was wearing clothes that showed skin. They will strap you down to a chair one way or another. Depending in which state you live in, they’ll decide in which way to execute you. The executioners will inject you, electrocute you, hang you, or use another one of the methods. Maybe you’ll try to fight it and try to stay alive, but you’ll be asleep soon and that will be the end of it for you. Over the years, the death penalty has been a controversial topic across America. People have different opinions on how they look at it. Some of these approve it, and others …show more content…

Nevertheless, what if that failure of the court or the justice system gives you the death penalty and ends up executing you on accident. Based on the case, the jury decides that your are guilty of the crime. The wrong crime. It would be the end of it all because to everyone, you look guilty when in reality you’re innocent. Events like this have happened to people across the United States. Some of these people were exonerated and others were executed before they were found not guilty. This is sad because people who didn’t even deserve this got put to death, while the actual guilty person is out there somewhere still. “156 individuals have been exonerated from death row--that is, found to be innocent and released - since 1973. In other words, for every 10 people who have been executed since the death penalty was reinstated in the U.S., one person has been set free.” In 1983, mentally disabled half-brothers Henry Lee McCollum and Leon Brown, confessed to raping and murdering an 11 year old girl in North Carolina. They were both given the death penalty as their punishment. Even though later on Brown’s sentence got commuted to life imprisonment, McCollum spent three decades on death row before they were proved innocent with DNA evidence. This case proves exactly how the Death Penalty is not …show more content…

Some people may ask, “how could that even be possible knowing that giving the death penalty to someone is a wrong thing?” A person who is out there committing crimes could be gotten rid of. Therefore, it can keep other potential victims from being at risk. A criminal is not forced to commit any crime whatsoever. Yes, they might be peer pressured to do something. However, in the end, it is up to that person himself or herself whether or not they want to do it or not. If that person knows how to tell right from wrong, then they can understand that they could face consequences when murdering or raping someone. In some cases, the consequence could be the death penalty, which would get rid of that person and keeping them from hurting any more people. By executing a criminal, his actions can be stopped and he will not be a problem

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