
Why Is China's One Child Policy Wrong

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Multiple people prioritize having a huge family to live happily. People should be able to live their life the way they want to. Prohibiting people from having a certain number of children is unhuman. No one should be forced to do something they do not agree with. China’s one-child policy is wrong in many ways. Even though it fights to solve a social problem, overpopulation, it violates several rights in order to accomplish this one goal. Although overpopulation is the main reason for this policy, there are alternatives such as educating people about overpopulation and how it affects the country. Due to this law, women suffer through procedures that go against their personal beliefs. This law has also broken up families because most men would prefer having a son than a daughter, causing emotional stress on the mother. China’s one-child policy violates human rights because it is forcing …show more content…

In the article “China Ends Its One-Child Policy”, it states how China was afraid of there being too many people. “At that time, when the population of China was around 970 million people, the Communist party was afraid that China’s growing population would stifle economic growth” (1). The population has statistically grown over the years, but surprisingly the one-child policy has not changed much at all. The policy has affected abortions, and more specifically sex-specific abortions. It has also greatly affected the gender ratio and the vast number of the aging population. This policy has had more downsides than upsides. The one-child policy is not the only option to solving overpopulation. Alternatives such as educating people about overpopulation may persuade people to have less children in an ethical form. Another alternative may be for people to migrate to countries where population is low. With there being many alternatives, there is no need for the one-child policy to takes these drastic

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