
Why Is Caesar's Assassination Justified

Decent Essays

I am Antony, Caesar’s beloved friend and the person who admired him the most. I believed Caesar’s assassination was not justified. The reason why Caesar was killed did not seem fair. He was accused of being ambitious and a Tyrant and thus my friend was murdered. Ambition would lead Caesar to have an abundance of power, which the conspirators, leaders Brutus and Cassius, thought he was going back in history and not improving the live standard of the Romans, but increasing the people’s ignorance. Brutus my work companion and Caesar’s angel, unkindest betrayal of all. I know how Brutus loved Caesar, but his excuse is Rome came first, but what would be Rome without Caesar? Rome will burn because of the conspirators mistake. Brutus will suffer the …show more content…

Romans would trust their emperor, Caesar, would be doing the right thing, so they’ll stop caring about the government. Caesar’s Tyranny will start. I Antony, did not thought of Caesar as ambitious rather than a person who looked forward and for the benefit of Rome. It’s my fault Caesar is dead, it’s my guilt that does not let me sleep at night. The fact I offered him the crown and the total power of the court. I offered the crown to Caesar one time and he denied it, then again and Caesar refused it again. By the third time I offered him the Crown mighty Caesar had an episode, his hands started to shake and legs, face became pale. He fell down in front of the crown. “I,ii,245-260”. Caesar was honest and kind. Vulnerable because of his sickness and curse, and me. I made this happen, it’s my fault. It’s my fault the conspirators got the idea Caesar was ambitious, because of my action to hand him the crown, but Casca knew and confirmed that Caesar would not take the crown. “I, ii, 231-241.” Knowing what was caesar’s intentions Casca still helped the Conspirators carry out the plan and assassinate a great leader and a great man. I curse Casca for his foolishness and for his

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