
Why Is Beowulf Good Against Evil

Decent Essays

The book Beowulf A New Telling had a very distinct way of telling whomever the reader may be that the goodness in people did, and will always overpower the evil of the world. This book would have a very big impact for people going through their own battles right now. Beowulf uses what he knows best, himself, and his goodness to defeat impossible challenges and tasks that no one thinks can be done, but he always proves them wrong. The theme of the book was about the fight of good against evil, light against darkness. This is shown in almost every battle that is fought, for example, when Beowulf fought Grendel (for the first time when Grendel wasn't just a corpse) he brought out the light within himself which was killing Grendel because Grendel was attached to the darkness, so Grendel struggled to get away from the good but it ended with Beowulf winning. Next, when Beowulf killed “her”with the goodness in him also, but this shows that it as his goodness rather than strength even more this time because he starts off just “... dragging his heels, digging with his toes”(pg:68) but nothing could stop her when he was just struggling out of fear, but when he realized that fear will not do anything but make …show more content…

However, I didn't like that it was very predictable and I felt like I knew what was going to happen because the story seemed like it was healing in that direction, for example, I guessed that as soon as Beowulf and his men reached the entrance to “her” cave that they would find some sign of Unferth's death, and guess what ?, “Dangling from the only branch that grew on the tree was a gory head. It was Unferth’s.” Also I guessed that Beowulf would become king after the king died in some sort of battle, and he did, so the story was a bit predictable, but It did have an overall three out of five

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