
Why Is Being Optimistic Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Being “optimistic” is to have confidence in having a successful future. A future that is going to fill every goal we have ever dreamed of achieving, conquering our greatest fears, and accomplishing the un-accomplishable. “Everything will be okay in the end,” and “Do not worry, it will all fall into place eventually,” are things we say to ourselves almost constantly. Why does everything only have to be “okay” later on in life? We should not just be optimistic about the future; we need to aspire to be optimistic about the present.
As privileged as most of us are, we tend to take things for granted far too often. Maybe we get everything we want right when we wish for it and that one time we do not, we have a fit. Instead of losing control and having a fit, we should automatically be able to look at everything else we have that is superior in our lives, even if it is not material, and be glad with it. For instance, …show more content…

Pessimism is lacking confidence in ones future, and expecting the worst possible outcome. Until recently scientists believed one was either an optimist or a pessimist and one person could not simply be both; a pessimist on some occasion and an optimist on another. Now, we know that it is a completely possible circumstance which we see every day in our own lives. It is also known that being an optimist is the most strived for way of life, but some cannot overcome seeing the worst case scenario.
When I first heard of this essay contest I had really thought about whether I was an optimist or pessimist. My friends and I were jokingly coming up with the best way to look at everything. My empty water bottle was sitting on my desk and we could not come up with a bright way to look at it at first. After a few minutes of analyzing we decided the bottle was “ready to be filled” rather than just plain empty. I learned that I am in better spirits when thinking positively even the in silliest of

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