
Why Is Airplane Food Is Good

Decent Essays

Why Airplane Food is Not So Good

It would be so easy to blame, “those folks at the airlines” for serving such poor quality food. Well, it is easy and true, but just not the whole truth. For those who don’t like complicated truths, you have your answer. However, for the more thoughtful and curious here are the complications. The first is altitude, flying at high altitudes dulls your taste buds, so veggies in a light cream sauce tastes more like they're smothered in a lite, lite, ranch dressing. No thank you.

Cabin pressure
A planes air pressure is higher than when on the ground and it seems that our taste buds’ ability to taste the normal range of flavors weakens considerably, as pressure increases. There is an exception, salty and sweet more intense at lower pressures, but still detectable at higher pressures. So what dish does that sound like, waffles and syrup with anchovies. Don’t gag, the world is a big place someone somewhere is likely eating this as a favored dish. Thats right pass on that bet.

Our sense of Hearing
Scientific research points to …show more content…

In these conditions the nose drys out and dampens your sense of smell. Our sense of smell is well over 50% of the reason we enjoy food. Not fun, if can’t taste the difference between, cracker jacks and freshly popped popcorn, lightly salted, not butter.

Airlines, aware of their culinary short comings, on the advice of several accomplished chefs attempt to solve these problems by using sauces of all kinds. The sauces keep food moist and that allows food to retain its flavor. So the best meals you have had on a plane likely had a lovely sauce that you cant remember the name of with veggies that weren't cold and a bottle of merlot, that you do remember.

Airlines Off The Hook
It is unlikely that any of us knew just how culpable our own taste buds were to the bad food that airlines

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