
Why Is Adolf Hitler Unethical

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Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler, born on April 20th 1889, became the leader of Nazi Germany. He used his power to try to eliminate the Jews, known as the non-superior race. Thousands and thousands of people of all ages died under Hitler’s leadership. Mass murder, starvation, abuse in many different degrees, and an overall genocide took place through out Germany during this time period. Many wonder how Hitler could have been so unethical and caused such a tragic time in history to take place. Scientists and psychological experts dig deep in Hitler’s life and past experiences to come up with an explanation of his inhuman leadership during the holocaust. His childhood is where most experts believe his personality stemmed from. To start off, Adolf experiences many losses growing up. Hitler had five siblings, all but one of them died in their childhood years. Gustav died at the young age of two years old in 1887. Ida also died at two years of age just one year later. Within a year of birth in 1887, Otto passed. Edmund died at age six in 1900. Lastly, his sister, Paul, was born in 1896 and lived until 1960, which made her the only sibling that lived past her childhood years (LoveToKnow, Corp). The amount of young …show more content…

Hitler’s father name was Alois. He was a strict man with a short temper. Alois often hit Hitler in a brutal matter. He never believed that Hitler would do anything great, and also thought he would end up like his son from another marriage, in jail. This may have caused embarrassment in Hitler’s life. His mother was the opposite of his father. She was loving and compassionate towards him (C N Trueman). This strengthened his relationship with his mother. Later on, she passed away due to breast cancer. Hitler was broken by this tragedy in his life. The one person he cared most for, and who cared most for him, was now gone. Below is a picture captured of both Hitler’s mother and

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