
Why I Want To Go To College Essay

Decent Essays

Do you need to go to college, is it worth it? Yes and no you really don’t need college, you could go to high school. You might need college if you have a plan and you really want to go. Like for example, if you want to be a vet and you know that you will need at least for years of college. And that is what you absolutely want to be and you have the money for it.

Ask yourself do you want a high school degree. When you have a high school degree High school graduate do make 652 dollars a week when they work. Also many others would have been better off financially by not going at all. Recent flurry of books and studies, economists focus on whether lifelong earnings are boosted by a diploma to make all the tuition costs and student debt worth the while. Mary C. Daly says “students and families should closely compare tuition costs, grants because the advantages of a college education may take longer to achieve, if costs and debt are big.” In a video many jobs do offer a position with a high school scholarship. But you still have to have training for that job so you know what you are doing. …show more content…

Do I want a college degree? But no one questions that college can be a life-changing experience intellectually and socially. Mary C. Daly also said that “there is overwhelming evidence that a bachelor's degree gives people a financial leg up.” She also says, “It’s an irrefutable fact that college gives you a significant and persistent advantage decade after decade," Daly said in an interview. These studies offer a calculator that considers such factors as tuition, potential earnings lost while in school, personal savings, and other spending habits. Insider says that it is a lot less stressful when you have a college degree and that education is the

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