
Why I Want To Go To College Essay

Decent Essays

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” is a question that many of us got asked and we were young that we answered with all innocence saying “a pilot, a teacher, Superman, etc.” And as we gradually matured and grew up we realized that it’s not just an answer that we give that decides whether we can do what we want or not. But rather, we steadily realized that it’s a complicated and adventurous journey that we have to take through education in order to get to our dream jobs. Just like many other people, I desired my college education ever since I can remember. I always thought that going to college was what was going to make me a mature adult, and I’d be a man only if I was able to come back from work after I graduate and bringing everything my household needs with my money that I worked for. College education is a privilege that not many of us get to enjoy, therefore I’m going to be thankful that I get to experience it and benefit from it. …show more content…

At first it was just to keep my parents satisfied and honored, but now that I saw it happen in front of my eyes, I began to love it more and desire it even more. That didn’t happen until I joined the medical campaign at the University of Florida over the summer. It got really stressful sometimes. But time and time again I reminded myself of that famous phrase "great effort leads to great rewards," and sure enough, I began to meet my aspirations. This shift in attitude also coincided with a shift in location: from the computer desk to the laser lab as a student. It was finally time to apply what I’ve been learning in real

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