
Why I Should Be A Private Healthcare System

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For many years Germany has had one of the best in healthcare System in Europe. Its reputation is also one of the best among the world. There is an extensive network of Hospitals and doctors covering even the most remote area of Germany. It is very rear to find any type of wetting list for any type of treatment. Medical facilities are equipped with the latest technology and medicine research and development team of scientist. Currently, in Germany there is a great healthcare insurance system that cover approximately 90% of the Population with their statutory insurance system. Here in the U.S, we have what I would consider to be a private healthcare system. Every citizen is able to purchase their own private insurance. Either you can afford …show more content…

The birth rate is 8.47 births per 1000, and the mortality rate is 6.0 According to these numbers most would consider Germany Is a very well develop country. Women live longer in Germany then man the usual death year for male is at 78 years old and women is 83.The U.S has over 100 million citizens more than Germany, and is considered one of the wealthiest countries in the world. This raises some eyebrows as to why there hasn’t been some form of universal healthcare available to Americans. This argument has not only come from the citizens of this great nation, but also from those abroad. In Germany, the leading cause of death in adults is diseases of the circulatory system, and hearth failure and traffic accidents. According to the World Health Organization, some speculate that most of these death are caused at the autobahn highway. Cancer and heart attacks is the leading causes of death in Americans (CDC, 2009). It’s interesting to see how the leading causes of death in both countries involve something with the heart, but for some reason they are attributed to different causes. Heart disease is a prominent is most of the world and it’s due to people not being educated on healthier living. Here in the U.S. we are reminded on a daily basis of how important it is to have a healthy heart. This is information that is delivered to us through many different types of media. We are

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