
Why I Am Not A Christian By Bertrand Russell

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There are many objections to Bertrand Russell's book Why I Am Not a Christian. Some of these will be a result of bias and personal faith, but some will also simply be facts. To start, one must realize Bertrand Russell was never a Christian. His refutation of the Christian faith comes from observation outside of it only, and from what he has heard and seen from Christians themselves. He has also read the Bible for lot of his reasons. To begin, Russell makes his reasoning for not being Christian surrounding several theories. He starts by defining what a Christian actually is. In this, I actually agree with his premise because to him a Christian is one who has to come to terms with and accept a certain level of lifestyle and hold to a set number of doctrines to be …show more content…

Lewis states, man cannot know a crooked line without first having an idea of a straight one. Also, if we were left alone in darkness without ever seeing light we would not know it was dark. The analogy fits, so it is with morality which I believe based on those things has to come from a creator .Moving from the creation argument, Russell then moves to the teachings of Christ, gives reasons why they are flawed and decides for himself that Jesus Christ was a good man with a high level of morality and knowledge, yet not the greatest man ever. He eventually states to him Buddha and Socrates outrank Jesus. I find this ranking system irrelevant so instead I will state why he misses the truth about Jesus and why he contradicts himself on it. To begin with many of Russell's claims about Christ aren't even supported by Christians in the first place. Russell makes many bold and proud statements about verses in scripture that Christians run from, when the truth is all Russell has did is taken symbolic verses, verses that were meant to not be literal and made them literal. He also claims Jesus was a great thinker and man yet not the best. The thing is Jesus himself did not allow that

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