
Why Hunting Is Still A Common Thing

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At one point in time, humans relied on hunting and gathering to survive. Although now it is much easier to go get food for dinner, by just making a quick trip to the store, it is still really important to understand why hunting is still a common thing. Being able to hunt gives people the opportunity to bring home food to their families that is natural and not steroid induced. Also, if for any reason the world was turned upside down, how else would we find food to eat? I understand hunting is not for everyone, but I would like to tell the story of my first kill so you can fully understand the importance and feeling it gives me. An hour before sun up in late November, the sound of my usually annoying, high pitched beeping alarm is now waking me up with excitement. I roll over to the end of my bed and reached for my phone on my nightstand. I turned my phone 's alarm clock off and check the temperature on my weather app. It is 28 degrees with the prediction of sun all day. “A beautiful morning to go hunting” I say to my boyfriend as he brews his morning coffee. I make us some breakfast; eggs, bacon, and toast fill our stomachs. After breakfast, we put all our gear on. We dressed with extra layers to keep us warm, and we put on our orange vests and hats. One last thing we need to do before we leave our house; grab our guns and ammo.
The moment we step outside the house, the cool and incredibly fresh air wraps around us, waking our brains up instantly. We make our way down

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