
Why Hemorrhoids Happen

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The purpose of this research paper is to identify the cautions and reasons to why certain diseases happen and I would like to address one disease that stands out the most for me which is Hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids can be disease that will make your life difficult to deal with it and can give you severe pain if you do not treat it and give it time to heal. All the diseases in the Digestive system are very risky to your health but to me Hemorrhoids seem and are researched in a way that caught my eyes and I think it would benefit people from young to elderly people and even animals. This disease has been common for a while especially to people who do not take great care of their body since anyone can get this disease and not even know it that's why everyone has …show more content…

Standing too much without taking a break to sit can cause hemorrhoids to develop.” ( Hemorrhoids) Consistent anal sexual intercourse and diarrhea can also increase your risk of hemorrhoids. You’re also more likely to develop hemorrhoids if you’re pregnant. When the uterus enlarges, it presses on the vein in the colon, causing it to bulge. A visual examination of your anus may be enough to diagnose hemorrhoids. To confirm the diagnosis, your doctor may do a different tests to check for any abnormalities within the anus. This check is known as a digital rectal test. “During this test, your doctor inserts a gloved and lubricated finger into your rectum. If they feel anything abnormal, they may order an additional test called a sigmoidoscopy.” (Hemorrhoids) A sigmoidoscopy involves your doctor using a small camera to diagnose an internal hemorrhoid. This small fiber-optic camera, called a sigmoidoscope, fits into a small tube and then inserts into your rectum. From this test, your doctor gets a clear view of the inside of your rectum so that they can examine the hemorrhoid up close. And also check if you have other unusual images in your anus. If you’re constipated, you

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