
Why Have Conscription Made Vietnam Unpopular

Decent Essays

Why the use of conscription made Vietnam unpopular The Vietnam War was a war that took place because America want to stop the spread of communism from Russia and china that had happened in North Korea from happening in Vietnam as their leader was communist. My topic for this speech is conscription. Conscription was used in Vietnam so that the U.S.A and Australia would have more soldiers to fight a war that they were losing to a country with outdated weapons. They were losing war that they had no business being in the first place. “You can kill ten of my men for every one I kill of yours. But even at those odds, you will lose and I will win.”( HO CHI MINH, a warning to French colonialists, 1946) What is Conscription? Conscription is a law that states that if you are from the age 18 to 41 and are not a single parent or married with kids and you are over the age of 39 this was used during the Vietnam War. “Hell no, we won't go!”( ANONYMOUS, Anti-Vietnam War slogan) …show more content…

Australia were only in the Vietnam War because of America so when America started using conscription Australia also start using conscription. Australian only Used conscription so that they could stay in Vietnam to help America. The way the media covered conscription Vietnam was the first war that people were able to watch from their televisions at home live so they could see all the villages being bombed and the military not knowing if the enemy were in the village or not. How this made conscription unpopular was because the media was showing protest songs like fortunate son by credence clear water rival over videos of protest against conscription on the streets in America and

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