
Why Golf Is Important Essay

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Golf is a very fascinating game that I absolutely love to play in my free time. There are so many rules and interesting parts of golf. The first thing that you will need is the right equipment. You can’t just play golf in jeans and use anything-You will need golf clothing that is appropriate for the game. For girls, you could play in skirts, shorts or pants that are made for golfing, like khakis. For a shirt, you could wear a golf shirt, a polo or like a t shirt depending how official you would like to look. For shoes, you can wear tennis shoes or you could wear golf shoes with little spikes at the bottom. You also need a set of clubs which is usually 14 clubs or less including a putter, irons, wedges and drivers. You will also need tees and …show more content…

Moreover, you will need to know what the term par means, as well as picking up your ball and what not to do. The definition of par is the score standard for each hole of a golf course. Usually Par's range from 3 par to 6 par. This is the standard number of strokes it should take you to get the golf ball into the hole. You do not just get to keep swinging your club forever, it is polite after a certain number of strokes that you must pick up your golf ball. This term is double par plus one, this term means after you have double the par strokes, you pick up your ball and write down that score plus one. However, if you had a par 4 and you took 8 strokes and are still not in the hole, then you would write down 9 on your score card. You cannot take more than 8 strokes on a par 4. Now, there are some disrespectful things that you are not supposed to do like walk in someone's line. This means when someone is going to hit, you stay back from risking getting hit. This also means when someone is putting you step over their line to the hole or go around avoiding any indentations that might be made from your shoes on the ground that might mess up their stroke. Another odd rule that relates to this is that you cannot hit your own golf bag with your club or your golf bag. This in a match would be an automatic pick up. I am not positive why there is such rule, but there are a lot of odd …show more content…

Golf etiquette is being polite, being patient and being respectful. There are many factors in golf etiquette, by choosing who goes first, how you deal with certain situations and overall just acting mature and proper. First let’s start with being polite. Being polite means letting others go before you, when appropriate, and not being rude, or mean when someone does something incorrectly. The second important thing of golf etiquette is being patient means waiting for your turn and not rushing others because golf takes time. If you try to rush the game of golf I can guarantee you that you will have a score that is no good and others playing with you will not be so happy. The third most important thing about golf etiquette is being respectful. This means being respectful for peoples' time, space and the different choices they make in golf. Having respect of peoples choices is one of the hardest things to do. If someone lost their ball and is trying to find it, but they can't the result is they have to go back to the last spot they hit from. You need a lot of patience, and respect of their choices that they had to make to continue the game and be polite so they do not feel terrible or rushed because they had to think over their options to continue the

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