
Why Does Socioeconomic Status Exist

Decent Essays

Socioeconomic status (SES) has an enormous impact on language development. As said by Erika Hoff, author of Language Development, “there is abundant evidence that” (102) there is a gap in language development when comparing children in high SES homes to children in low SES homes. An arguably more important topic is why the gap in language development exists. There are many potential reasons, but the main reason why the language gap exists is that parents in low SES homes don’t talk to their children to same way or the same amount as parents in high SES homes. One reason the language gap exist can be contributed to the amount of words children hear. In a study done by Hart and Risley (1995), it was shown that children from high SES homes heard approximately 215,000 words, …show more content…

Generally, high SES parents had more education and better vocabularies in comparison to low SES parents. In a study published by Anne Fernald, Virginia A. Marchman and Adriana Weisleder called SES differences in language processing skill and vocabulary are evident at 18 months, it was proven that children from high SES home were “significantly more advanced in vocabulary” than their low SES counterparts. Additionally, as mentioned in Language Development by Erika Hoff, when high SES parents spoke to their children they were more likely to respond with words of encouragement or engage in conversation. Contrastly, parents in low SES homes were more likely to respond with negative replies such as “no” or “stop”. The American Psychology Association sighted a survey of American children that stated “36 percent of parents in the lowest-income quintile read to their children on a daily basis, compared with 62 percent of parents from the highest-income quintile (Coley, 2002)”. This is another example that demonstrates how the quality of the words spoken to children is an important part of why a language gap

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