
Why Does Diabetes Affect A Family

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“About one-third of all people with diabetes do not know they have the disease. Diabetes was the seventh leading cause of death in the United States in 2010 based on the 69,071 death certificates in which diabetes was listed as the underlying cause of death. In 2010, diabetes was mentioned as a cause of death in a total of 234,051 certificates.”(American Diabetes Association. American Diabetes Association, 6 Mar. 2013.) Why would Diabetes affect a family and why is it an important disease to learn about? Diabetes is a group of diseases that results in too much sugar in the blood (high blood glucose). Type 1 Diabetes is a chronic condition that causes the pancreas to produce little to no insulin at all. Type 1 Diabetes is more commonly found …show more content…

Diabetes would affect families because a family member is in danger of this dangerous disease that has the possibility of dying if they don't do the right thing and it is an important disease to learn about because it is always a good thing to learn about something that could keep you out of the hospital. You see, if you learn about diabetes, you could easily learn what you can and can't do to avoid being diagnosed with diabetes.Diabetes can affect families Financially, Emotionally and Physically. Diabetes can affect families emotionally because diabetes can cause family members of the diabetic patient to fall into depression. When someone falls into depression, it can cause a lot of pain and suffrage. Diabetes could affect families financially by having them have to spend money paying for insurance and medical bills.There is also the possibility of diabetic patients losing their jobs because they become weak and tired from going to dialysis.Diabetes could affect families physically with them becoming lazy and not taking correct care of themselves. Family members could be going through depression and develop conditions called anorexia and Anorexia binge eating. Anorexia is when a person becomes so mindful of what they eat which causes the person to obsess about weight and what they eat.Anorexia Nervosa Binge / Purge Type is what causes an individual suffering from anorexia nervosa, binge /purge type will purge when he or she eats. This is typically a result of the overwhelming feelings of guilt a sufferer would experience in relation to eating; they compensate by vomiting or excessively

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