
Why Doctors Commit Malpractice And Does Obama Care Lead Into This?

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What Are The Reasons Doctors Commit Malpractice And Does Obama Care Lead Into This ?
A Review of Literature
Amir Haji
Edina Highschool

Authors Note this paper was prepared for Pre AP english 10 Period 1 taught by ms Benson
Today if you were to say doctor to someone, the first thing that pops into their heads is life savers. Although that is true some can be killing innocent or guilty people by their malpractice When I became able to read I started to notice how sloppy my doctor’s handwriting was. I thought to myself how can anyone read that. I became scared that I would get the wrong medication. In this study of misdiagnosis conducted by An Institute of Medical Report Committee on Quality of Health Care in America Institute of Medicine National Academy Press Washington, D.C. (2014) said that 42% that believed that an error occurred only 40% of them had been misdiagnosed this is a serious problem that could allow someone to die .By examining evidence and background information about the reasons doctors’ commit malpractice the causes and effects from obamacare and and discussing current actions being taken to address the problem, this essay will explore the problem with why doctors’ commit malpractice and the causes and effects of obamacare in order to enact change, I will send a survey to my local hospital with this essay.
Background information and evidence of the

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