
Why Do We Study Anthropology?

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Why Study Anthropology?

Intro: The study of anthropology is important because it gives the public insight as to why people act the way they do. By studying anthropology the world can have a better understanding of different cultures and why people have different norms and values. If people have more insight on why individuals act the way they do we can appreciate and respect peoples’ choices more. For instance, instead of people looking at hijabs as a restricting clothing item that women in the Middle East wear, ethnographic research could help the public understand that women can wear hijabs by choice. However, anthropology is inherently “othering” because typically the anthropologist is entering into a country in which they were not raised and is observing peoples day-to-day lives. Despite the flaws of anthropology, I think the research and field work, when done accurately, produces more benefits than harm.
Pros: It is important to remember that each culture has their own values that are incomparable. A prime example of two cultures conflicting over ideas is women in the Middle East wearing a hijab. What is liberating for a woman in the west might be different for a woman in the Middle East. Generally speaking, women in the west feel liberated by wearing what ever they want to wear. Women who choose to wear hijabs in the Middle East feel liberated in wearing them. Women from the west try to impose their ideas regarding liberation on to other cultures but being

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