Why Study Anthropology?
Intro: The study of anthropology is important because it gives the public insight as to why people act the way they do. By studying anthropology the world can have a better understanding of different cultures and why people have different norms and values. If people have more insight on why individuals act the way they do we can appreciate and respect peoples’ choices more. For instance, instead of people looking at hijabs as a restricting clothing item that women in the Middle East wear, ethnographic research could help the public understand that women can wear hijabs by choice. However, anthropology is inherently “othering” because typically the anthropologist is entering into a country in which they were not raised and is observing peoples day-to-day lives. Despite the flaws of anthropology, I think the research and field work, when done accurately, produces more benefits than harm.
Pros: It is important to remember that each culture has their own values that are incomparable. A prime example of two cultures conflicting over ideas is women in the Middle East wearing a hijab. What is liberating for a woman in the west might be different for a woman in the Middle East. Generally speaking, women in the west feel liberated by wearing what ever they want to wear. Women who choose to wear hijabs in the Middle East feel liberated in wearing them. Women from the west try to impose their ideas regarding liberation on to other cultures but being
Anthropology is defined, in the most basic terms, as the study of other cultures. This field can subsequently be divided into more specific sects, and contain more precise defining characteristics, but this definition is essentially all that is needed. Anthropology is a science that attempts to look at other cultures and draw conclusions to questions that are raised while studying. An anthropologist is someone who accepts what is presented before them and is driven by an urge to understand each presentation as thoroughly as possible. Once the concept of anthropology is accepted, one must identify the means of reaching the goal of this field. In the sect of social anthropology, this vehicle is known as
Anthropologists make a substantial difference in the world today. How they use specific methods and research to help better understand groups of people that are different from themselves. Not all Anthropologists travel to different parts of the country or across the world to study different cultures or groups of people, but some also are involved in the business world, corporate organizations, different sectors of government, and even the medical and political fields. Anthropology is used in various ways of daily life, even though we don’t realize it.
or she observes and sees while doing field work. Anthropologist often gets in trouble for “othering” different cultures because they speak on behalf of silenced groups. Wolf addresses the issue of anthropologists not being able to separate themselves from a bias and entering a different society with superior views. When anthropologist go into their research thinking they are more superior than their subjects or culture it ruins their research. Wolf explains this can happen because people who tend to do anthropology research tend to be privileged individuals going into an unprivileged area and observing their ways.
Anthropology is a word derived from the Greek words anthropos and logia. The word anthropos means human, and the word logia, in basic terms, means the study of. Therefore an anthropologist is a person who studies humans. Anthropologists study humans to gain and spread knowledge for the greater good of humanity, so we as a people can understand one another. To study anthropology as an anthropologist involves extensive research. Furthermore, to gather any credible research a person must follow a set guideline, especially when using and gathering research from another person. This guideline is in place to protect one's personal freedom because many cases involving human research have been unethical, unmoral, and unjust.
Different societies exist throughout the world and within these societies each society develops culture that works best for them. Within these cultures they pass all their acquired knowledge and traditions down from generation to generation. Nevertheless, each culture has their own way of life, own marriage beliefs, their own values and feelings on life and religious beliefs. Cultures tend to have their own way to run their government, and ways to keep their economy up to their standards. Most importantly in cultural anthropology it is imperative to value culture relativism. This is the view in which no culture is superior to other
• Anthropologists study the origin, development, and customs of human beings • They may research many questions related to what it means to be human:
3. Why is anthropology significant to society? - It is important for us as human beings to understand our origins and also to understand the cultures in the world outside of our own.
1. Why is the idea of disappearing natives a myth? Use a specific quote from the text to support this.
Exploring different cultures as well as your own in order to understand the various ways they do things compared to our own can be enlightening as well as challenging. The main challenge comes from being used to your own culture that it is difficult to view a different culture without any personal bias. Being born and raised in a culture and getting used to those norms of everyday life contributes to the bias that one may show, believing that their own culture is superior to another. This type of thought process is called ethnocentrism. But with the use of an etic and emic approach to analyze your own culture and different cultures will help eliminate ethnocentrism. Using an outsider’s
Today, MSC visited Jeffrey at his Dau Habilitation program located on 1221 E14th street, Brooklyn, NY. MSC greeted the receptionist and she called his Day Hab. Supervisor Yocheved Mordkontech. She guided MSC to his classroom and Jeffrey was happy to see his MSC. Jeffrey asked MSC how she was doing and MSC stated good. Jeffrey was dressed appropriatelt in a green shirt, jeans and sneakers. Jeffrey had a clean hair cut. He told MSC that she spoke to his sister and is a little worried about here. He also worries about missing medical appointments. MSC informed him not to worry, Marie Rose will make sure he attends each medical appointments in a timely manner. Yocheved stated that Jeffrey has been doing good. He has been cooperative and he has improved in being courteous of others.
Anthropology is something we should value because it allows us as human beings to learn about our origins and also to understand the cultures in the world outside of our own. Anthropology uses many techniques to learn and study such cultures that we do not understand. Ethnography is the gathering and interpretation of information based on intensive firsthand study of a participation culture -or- the written report of this study.
143). She illustrates how essential culture is to anthropology and how anthropology helps to balance culture, as well as its ties with race. She considers culture and race as opposites. “Culture is learned and can change,” (Abu-Lughod, p. 144), and race is something inborn. Although she can only depict and explain the concept of culture, and how it has become necessary and not the reasons behind it.
Politically we are confronted with a host of issues ranging from matters pertaining to local taxation, planning, and zoning to regional (if not global) terrorism and other manifestations of conflict. The study of geography allows us to participate and enjoy our planet. Geography gives us a sense of reference to where we live and where we may be going in relationship to where we have been. Its appreciation of the world we live in. Anthropology is the study of human kind and culture, everybody wants to know where and how humans came to be. Some examples we can apply anthropology in our daily lives would be in relating to our families, friends, co-workers, in understanding work dynamics, in understanding and communicating with teens,, and in proposing new ideas, and plans. Its unique contribution to studying the bonds of human social relations been the distinctive concept of culture.
Humans are an interesting species because of the strong need humans have to fully understand what it truly means to be human. Many fields such as history, psychology, and sociology all offer a perspective in the study of humanity, but there are distinguishable from anthropology. Anthropology differs from other humanities fields due to its holistic nature, comparative research methods, and the strong emphasis on fieldwork and participant interaction. Anthropology is the study of people throughout the world, their evolutionary history, how they behave, adapt to different environments, communicate and socialize with one another. In order for anthropologists to examine the full scope of human life, they employ the four field approach that embodies the holistic nature of the field.
In the past few decades, people are starting to shift towards learning cultural anthropology to explore human variations. In fact, it has come to be a bit of a fascination. “There is cultural intermingling and each country is learning more about other cultures.” For example, studying abroad for college students has greatly increased in recent years. Students realize that living and learning in another country will give them a broader knowledge of the culture and gain a deeper understanding of their own identity.