
Why Do We Need Women In Sports?

Decent Essays

I could continue for several more pages about why women aren’t getting equal opportunities in sports, but it just be repetitious. Bottom line, women are not getting the same opportunities as men for indecent reasons. It brings into the question the validity of everything women do. I find myself asking if the only reason I’m allowed to do something is because men didn’t want it. I believe this is inadequate because it’s 2018. Inevitably, we still deal with racism, sexism, ageism and many other things, however, women in sports, to me, seems like it shouldn’t still be as big of an issue that it is. Things are inadequate because time and time again women have proved they are capable of the same things as men. Like many mentioned in class, women realized their sex when they were told they had to play softball now, instead of baseball. To me, the inadequacy is real and alive and I’m not a fan of it. …show more content…

There are thousands of women who are incredibly talented in their respective sports who have never been given the opportunity because of their gender. To me, society finds it incredibly easy to place this disdain on female athletes and I want to change that. I think it can be done. The Paralympics have already solved it. Understandably, I don’t think that providing equal opportunities for female athletes means anyone can play. As a collegiate athlete, I know the hard work required to get the highest level. By no means, do I want opportunities handed to people. However, if a women is as talented or more than men, that needs to be shown. There’s no exception. As a sports person, I want to see the best of the best and when we try to keep women out of the running, it’s dull and we end up seeing the same boring

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