
Why Do We Have Third Parties

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Although the two party system has worked for years their needs to be more exposure of the third party. In America the democrats and republicans reign supreme at a political level for instance there has never been a libertarian who has won presidency in the united states.I believe the reason for this would be funding of their campaigns and even if their funding was appropriate for their campaigning strategies the democratic and republican parties have polarized the united states so much that the other parties aren't thought of near as often. I also believe that the other parties need more exposure because if more people knew about them it would create more diversity within the voting of the united states president and other empowering political people.

The american political system also allows for both parties to adopt as well as shape other prominent political parties policies therefore any considerable policies of another political party can be taken and changed in minor ways doing so in this manner is within the political parties rights and can make that party move ahead with the policies of a third party.
The media is also a vital part of political parties and politics in general as a campaign progresses the media can tend to sway the facts of the campaign and who is campaigning. I believe the media will …show more content…

If one political person reflects his or her views in an unwelcoming manner other countries may take offence of the material being talked about, that could raise some concerns for the american people and other people of the world in the sense that a war could break out or more common incidences such as riots that revolve around one's perspective of the political views could evolve into something much more than just a

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