
Why Do People Use MDMA?

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When most people hear about EDM, or electronic dance music, they usually associate it with the drugs that circulate the festivals: ecstasy, marijuana, LSD and meth. The media does a great job at bringing out the truth, some parts they may exaggerate it a bit too much, causing unnecessary panic over something that might really not even exist. You’ll commonly hear the drugs being used at these raves called ‘club drugs’. “Since at least the early 1990’s, raves and dance music have been strongly associated with MDMA.” (Knopper) MDMA, in high doses, can cause nausea, sweating, muscle cramping, blurred vision, heart failure, kidney failure, and more. Although, it may seem like everyone that goes to these raves uses MDMA, there actually aren’t that many consumers compared to the many other drugs that are being used during raves. A study from 2015 by the National Institute on Drug Abuse showed that 5.9% of 12th grade students had used ecstasy in their lifetime, whereas 44.7% of 12th grade students had used marijuana in their lifetime.
It’s not even so much the danger of the drug as it is the fact that the drugs are …show more content…

Most actual MDMA deaths don’t even occur at raves. “Martha Fernback, 15 years old, died on July 20th, 2013 after consuming 500mg (half a gram!) of MDMA.” (MDMA-Related Deaths) There were multiple contributing factors to her death. Such as the fact that she was small and her body couldn’t take such a large dose of MDMA. Regardless of the circumstances of her body size and weight, a regular dose of MDMA is reported to be around 100-125 mg, so anything over that amount might be lethal. Even if you do take the recommended dose, there might still be a chance you are taking. “An issue with ecstasy dosage is that the purchaser doesn't know what other substances the drug has been laced with. Sometimes the substance being sold as ecstasy is something completely different.” (What is

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