
Why Do People Use M & M's Arguments In Their Advertising

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To continue building an argument in favor of their product, M&Ms had to decide exactly who and what they would represent in their advertising. According the Infoscout, the main consumers of M&Ms are white, middle age or older, middle class, women (Infoscout 1). With that in mind, it makes sense that the M&M cast are depicted as white, wealthy, adults… but it doesn’t explain M&M’s representation of women. For a product that is overwhelmingly purchased by people who are white, it makes sense that they would also market with white audiences in mind. Though, it doesn’t explain why Mars® completely excludes people of color from its M&M cast. In Green’s Hypothermia Mars® depicts Green M&M peeling back her outer shell like a cloth garment, revealing …show more content…

Infoscout reports that the most likely income range to purchase M&Ms are those who make from $100k to $125k annually (Infoscout Web). Moreover, it makes sense that Mars® wants to appeal to a wealthy audience. The fallacy they use is a Faulty Analogy comparing wealth and M&Ms. This ploy serves a double purpose; for wealthy audiences M&Ms seem more relatable and for poorer audiences M&Ms indicate an ability to afford luxury items. In Green’s Hypothermia, Mars® draws connections to wealth by placing Green M&M in clean, well designed shoes and gloves. Her shoes have buckles that are reminiscent of custom or designer outerwear. Additionally, she is in an environment that requires significant funds to safely travel in (Mars® Back Cover). This isn’t the only advertisement where Mars® draws attention to the wealth of the M&M characters. In Mistletoe Mistake, Mars® shows the two characters celebrating a holiday that involves purchasing gifts, and goes even further to place them in front of a tree overflowing with gifts (Mars®). By consistently associating M&M characters with wealth, viewers get the impression that M&Ms = …show more content…

Scaredy Orange is running from a different foe. Mars® depicts Orange M&M as both afraid and masculine. His masculinity is suggested by his lack of supple lips, lack of eyelashes, and wide stance. The source of his fear is an anthropomorphic pretzel standing just a little closer to the viewer. His masculinity is indicated by the same signifiers as Orange M&M. He also has his mouth closed and eyebrows low in an intimidating expression. They are superimposed over a diagram of Pretzel going inside of Orange M&M and accompanied by Orange’s statement: “You’re putting him where?!” (Mars® B4). By showing a masculine character invading the space of another masculine character, Mars® creates a parallel to the way some straight men feel threatened by the existence of gay men, and therefore invites them to relate to their advertizing. On the shallowest level, Pretzel can be equated to a gay man threatening to get inside of Orange M&M. In a deeper sense, Pretzel is a representation of straight men feeling threatened that gay men are invading their space and territory not only physically, but also in media, legislation, and social standards in the United

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