
Why Do People Have To Be Checked With Failure?

Decent Essays

My heart sunk as I read the list for the 7th grade team basketball list. I had trained endlessly for months on end, waking up everyday three hours before school to complete rigorous training drills . My blood, sweat, and tears went into the sport. I devoted my every second to furthering my athletic abilities toward basketball, but as I read the list over and over again, I just couldn’t seem to find my name. The realization that I had not made the basketball team, despite my efforts, broke me like how one would snap a twig. I was devastated to say the least. I cried for three days after coming home after school. I didn’t understand how someone could try so hard and hope for so much, and be met with failure, a foreign feeling to me up until this point. Failure seemed like a death sentence. The word itself repulsed me, …show more content…

Failure in itself already has a negative connotation, but as a young teen, being not able to complete a task was becoming an outcast. If one can’t do an activity everyone else could do, then doesn’t that person become an outsider to that group? What I didn’t realize is that everyone is met with failure. After weeks of self evaluation, I finally came to this conclusion. No matter how much I tried to avoid failure, I would, at some point, be met with it repeatedly on multiple occasions. Thinking this, I stumbled upon the revelation that to fear a result that would be so prevalent in my life would be foolish. With the acceptance of failure as a more than probable outcome, I decided to attempt any activities and sports I could possibly sign up for. I was met with both acceptance and failure, but at the end of the day, I discovered more about myself that I had ever known, and learned to grow out of my shell. I realized there were some activities I was truly exceptional at, some I wasn’t so exceptional at, and some I had potential for, if I just put the work and dedication in. I found new hobbies I never knew I desired to participate in,

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