
Why Do NFL Protests?

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President Trump lit the sports world on fire with a series of comments and tweets in the last 24 hours. During a rally in Huntsville, Alabama on Friday, the president made it clear where he stands on player protests. Trump said he would love to see NFL owners cut any player who protests by kneeling during the national anthem.

"Wouldn't you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, 'Get that son of a bitch off the field right now," Trump said to a cheering crowd. "Out. He's fired. He's fired."

After NFL commissioner Goodell called Trump’s comments, “divisive,” and accused the president of a “failure to understand the overwhelming force for good,” Trump doubled down on his comments

“Roger Goodell of NFL just put out a statement trying to justify the total disrespect certain players show to our country,” Trump tweeted …show more content…

“Tell them to stand!” he added.

If you are unaware of the situation, last season Former NFL Quarterback Colin Kaepernick started to kneel during the national anthem to protest what he called ‘systematic racism by the law enforcement in the United States’. After groups like Black Lives Matter and other players joined in the national anthem protest because of the #1 story of the season. The problem is many fans took the protest as an attack on the country and what the country stands for so the divide had started. The NFL supported the players right to protest in the past but with Trump’s comment they now have a dilemma and they won’t win either way. If NFL players protest the anthem tomorrow in the wake of Trump’s comments, fans of the NFL who are already upset with the protest might see it as the last straw to give up on the NFL product and ratings have been down the last couple of years. If the NFL listens to Trump and

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