
Why Do I Have Unrealistic Goals?

Decent Essays

Many people have unrealistic goals such as being a millionaire, or living a luxurious life that is almost impossible for the average human to afford, or go to a crazy school that has an acceptance rate lower than a teenage boy’s pants, but I? All I want is to make my parents proud while keeping me happy at the same time, and I plan on doing that by attending to the University of Hawaii and study Psychoneuropharmacology. Although this major will take lots of hard work and a long time to master my determination, passion, and love for my family, future, and myself drives me to reach that goal. With these great qualities comes flaws, I cannot succeed this goal without hitting a few bumps because of these weaknesses of mine. In the field I would …show more content…

Just like in The Odyssey Circe lures the men to her, gives them a little time to enjoy, and then turns them into pigs. “So reassured, they all cried out together, and she came swiftly to the shining doors to call them in. All but Eurylochus—who feared a snare—the innocents went after her. On thrones she seated them, and lounging chairs, while she prepared a meal of cheese and barley and amber honey mixed with Pramnian wine, adding her own vile pinch, to make them lose desire or thought of our dear fatherland. Scarce had they drunk when she flew after them with her long stick and shut them in a pigsty— bodies, voices, heads, and bristles, all swinish now, though minds were still unchanged. So, squealing, in they went.”(510). My challenge is very similar to this because in a sense my friends are Circe and just as Circe put them on the throne and fed them in order for them to completely diminish their home land my friends will put me on the “throne” for a little and feed me by having a great time making me forget about school then turn me into a pig like Circe by making me into a party animal and not allowing me to pay attention to my

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