
Why Do College Athletes Get Paid

Good Essays

Tyler Wisnewski
Mrs. Ryan
English 3
September 28, 2014
College Athletes Getting Paid College sports is one of the most popular things to watch on television. With a lot of people watching means it is bringing in a lot of revenue. Where does this revenue go to? This money goes to the people at the top such as administrators and coaches. Shouldn’t the ones performing be getting a cut of this huge chunk of money? Sure they get scholarships and their education paid for, but some players bring in far more money than what their scholarships cost. These athletes make these schools so much money and they don’t get a fair cut of the pie. These athletes work so hard and perform so well to not get what they deserve. With all of the money in the business …show more content…

$10.8 billion is the answer, CBS/Turner Sports is paying the NCAA for rights to host March Madness from 2011 to 2024. March Madness is only 3 weekends a year, so that should tell you how lucrative this business is (Wilbon NP). The people making this money should get a part of it. You cannot pay all college athletes because not all of them are generating enough money where it would make business sense for these athletes to be paid. As of right now the only ones that it would work for is football and basketball because they are generating the most revenue. A regular college student has the ability to get a job to pay for the things they want to do while at college. On the other hand athletes have to balance all of their school work and a workload on the field that is more than that of the average student working a job. College athletes are not allowed to do endorsement, sell memorabilia, etc. What is the difference between “… a star player… agreeing to shake hands at a local car dealership for $50,000.” And “… the student-journalist who spends his nights writing freelance stories and picking up as much money along the way as he can.”? Nothing honestly, it is supply and demand. If somebody is willing to pay that star athlete that $50,000 to shake hands it is going to help that car company. Those freelancer stories are not worth as much to somebody as the star athlete shaking hands is for the car company. …show more content…

College athletes cannot get a regular job like a regular student can so why shouldn’t they be able to make some money for all the time that they spend on the field making others money. With all of the money that the major college sports make in revenue some of that needs to be distributed down to the athletes who are the ones who are getting all of these people to watch in the first place. There’s a $10.8 billion television deal made between the NCAA and TBS for 3 weeks a year and people say that college athletes should not be paid. Not all college athletes can be paid. Only the major sports that are making these millions would make money. That is not fair? That is how it is in professional sports, it is the same thing how baseball players get paid millions and lacrosse players hardly can afford to play lacrosse as a full time job. The money just is not there for every sport but for the sports that it is there the athletes deserve their fair share of the

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