
Why Do Children With Language-Based Learning Disabilities?

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In a nation striving to be the biggest and brightest, 1 in 7 Americans has some type of learning disability, yet; 30-50% have been undiagnosed ("The Truth About Dyslexia and Other Language-Based Learning Disabilities"). While not all of these learning disabilities are language-based, many of the most common disorders are (for example dyslexia). A language-based learning disability can be defined as “a spectrum of difficulties related to the understanding and use of spoken and written language,” (Newhall). In short, people with language-based disabilities have trouble with language. Struggles in this area become difficult in the world as globalization continues to spread. Language, now more than ever, has become a unifying factor in the nation, …show more content…

Violence, especially in children and teens, is unfortunately an alternative way to relieve frustration. A common fate for children with language-based learning disabilities is to be placed in jail. “As high as sixty to seventy percent of incarcerated individuals are dyslexic/ADD,” (Behavior and Social Development). When children cannot express themselves, they often turn to violence. If they do not find another way to out their frustrations, these originally small violent acts could turn into jail time. Another difficulty brought on by a language-based learning disability is the feeling of knowing what to say, but not being able to get the words out. It’s “…as if the words needed are on the tip of the tongue but won't come out,” (Language-Based Learning Disabilities (Reading, Spelling, and Writing)). Being able to express one’s self is a basic human attribute, and when that is taken away, social development declines. It is impossible to have others relate to someone who cannot tell them how they feel. This inhibits natural social development from lack of communication. Some children may seclude themselves so they no longer have to talk to their peers, or possibly choose not to talk at

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