
Why Do Children Watch Violent Programs On Tv And Violent Behavior

Satisfactory Essays

Violent programs on TV lead to aggressive and violent behavior by the adolescents who watch them. Which is even proven by a 1982 report by the National Institute of Mental Health, that was already proven by a previous study by the Surgeon General. The children that watch these violent programs will eventually become used to violence, and learn to accept it as something normal. Which isn’t good for children because psychological research has proven that children will become less sensitive to the pain and suffering of others, and could become psychologically damaged by the things they see and become scared of the world that they live in. And they will increasingly become aggressive and harmful towards others. In fact, there has been many tests done that have proven that the kids that do watch violent shows, even if they appear to be harmless, will progressively have negative attitudes. And being disobedient and destructive will become normal for them. For example, young children learn from things that they see. If a child sees someone say thank you they may learn to be polite also, which means if they see people reacting in violent ways on television they may start to react the same way. …show more content…

So just remember when you turn that television on, the things that they are hearing and seeing are what is going to be permanently put into their brain. So in the long run, when your child becomes a delinquent or is having problems with violence, just reflect on what could have caused that.
In conclusion, violent programs on TV lead to aggressive and violent behavior by the adolescents who watch

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