
Why Disney Movies Rarely Have Mother Characters Analysis

Good Essays

Sob Tales or Fairy Tales? In this article, “The Tragic Reason Why Disney Movies Rarely Have Mother Characters”, by Jenna Mullins, the reader is able to get a fresh side of the truth behind Disney storylines. The article is centered on the reason Disney movies are usually lacking a mother figure. It is not just a few, but most. For example, “The Lion King”, “Bambi”, “Beauty and the Beast”, “Cinderella”, “Snow White”, and many, many, more. Before reading this brief, but informative article, I had never myself noticed this particular detail. This article really makes the reader stop and ponder on their childhood for a moment before shrugging it off and deciding to keep their collection of childhood memories intact. Throughout the article, Mullins uses audience, pathos, and logos to her advantage, while questioning and praising the works of Disney. …show more content…

Since this article is featured on a hip website that many teenagers and just about every other type of people read, it had to be, literally, written for all audiences. The topic of Disney movies is also used as a factor in the type of audience viewing this. In other words, if you write about Disney, all walks of life, whether they are able to or not, will want to partake in the juvenile excitement. I myself can attest to that since my own mother enjoys listening to the Disney soundtracks we have stowed away in our car. I can even at times catch my manly younger brothers singing right along with us. When Mullin addresses the issue of Disney movies lacking mother characters, she stays behind Disney all the way. Even when she mentions some of the saddest Disney movies of all, she is able to keep it together and back Disney up by including different excuses of the mother missing which hit you right in the feels. This brings us to

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