Why did all the dinosaur die forever and what killed them? Some scientists claim that most dinosaurs died out simply because they didn’t mange to adapt to the changing climate. Dinosaurs been died for over 65 million years ago. We know there are little dinosaurs still called lizards, alligators, and more. Some people ask what does the word dinosaur come from? It was originally defined to mean “fearfully great lizard” by Richard Owen in 1942. The Greek word dinos, when used as a superlative, means “fearfully lizard”. But were all dinosaurs mean? No there were only a few mean ones like an t-rex is an example of a mean one and example of a nice dinosaur is the Apatosaurus. Are all dinosaur’s omnivores yes, all dinosaurs are omnivores most of them …show more content…
velociraptor, Utah Raptor, Dionysus, Coelophysoids, Dilophosaurus, Oviraptor, Comptographs and Trogon, who ate eggs, small mammals, medium or small dinos, each other. T-rex, and paraurolopus, etc. ate large fish and all different meats that they could find. Tortoises live for up to 152 years and alligators live about 66 years. Dinosaurs live around 75 to 300 years on what they eat.
Dinosaurs tails were 22m long 4 high and weighted about 30 tons. Dinosaurs weigh about 4.4 tones to 9.9 tones just depending on there size. Dinosaurs have ears, but their ears are not like human ears. Dinosaurs had holes in their heads and that was there ears they had. The smallest dinosaur could run as fast as a race horse at 40 mph and 65 kilometers per hour. T-rex could only run 18 mph and 29 kilometers per hour. T-rex’s could open their mouths to a jaw-dropping gape up to 90 degrees. Dinosaurs killed each other for food. Or they would be killed when they were fighting during battle. Meat-eating dinosaurs are known as therapods. Because they had sharp hooked claws on there toes. The largest dinosaur eggs were as big as a basketball and dinosaurs babies would not be able to get out without help from their
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The stegosaurus brain is big as a walnut. The meat-eating dinosaurs walked on two feet. So that would make them faster so when they get to there prey they can grab them with there two tiny hands. Tyrannosaurus rex ate up to 22 tons of food every year. This jagged their teeth 6 inches and when that happened they couldn’t chew their food do they swallowed it in huge pieces. The Brachiosaurus was the tallest plant eater and its head was 39 feet of the ground. The Therizinosaurus had the largest claws up to 3 feet and 1-meter long. 40% Americans believe that dinosaurs and humans lived at the same
Trex is a big dino but the babies are super small to a mother trex so the mom and dad take turns to watch the little baby rex's and the other trex would hunt and come back for its turn. when the baby is 1 year old the mom kicks it out of the nest and it lives the rest of its life alone until it finds a mate. T-rex means “tyrant lizard” in one bite T-rex could eat up to 500 pounds
Hi it's The King Dog 345 and I have a question for you do you like dinosaurs? I've been waiting to tell you this for a long time. I like dinosaurs because they are very awesome. It is cool to learn about some thing that was alive a long time ago. There are many theories about how dinosaurs died. I think they died because a meteor hit the planet but that is my theory tell your's to
The assigned readings provided an interesting view of the diverse groups of people who migrated to California during the Gold Rush in the late 1840s and early 1850s and how they impacted society. The primary sources shared detailed information of how Californian society was grew and developed new rules and regulations for mining operations. The sources also discussed how American pioneers and people from different countries shared their experiences during the Gold Rush. Equally important, as Californian society increased, many Yankee miners became concerned about the arrival of foreigners in California (Textbook, 201). California state legislators enforced the Miners' Licensee of 1850 and 1852 that required foreigners to purchase specific mining licenses in order for them to mine (Miners' Document, 33).
Dinosaurs ruled the earth for over 65 million years and thankfully for the human race, they became extinct. Ultimately, only a major catastrophe could completely wipe out an entire species, let alone an entity of dinosaurs and the debacle on the causes of dinosaur extinction have flooded the minds of paleontologists for centuries. Geologist and zoologist Stephen Jay Gould published “Sex, Drugs, Disasters, and the Extinction of Dinosaurs,” to compare scientific and speculative causes of dinosaur decimation. Personally, I found this passage very informational and enjoyed reading it. Gould provides three theories that capture the reader’s curiosity, allowing room for pondering in one’s mind.
A dinosaur has an antorbital fenestra with an open hole hip socket. The definition differs from the term used informally because it helped understand how the dinosaur moved and how they were categorized as species. There are four general characteristics that dinosaurs have as a result of their synapomorphies which are permeated acetabulum, ball-shaped head on proximal femur, the Cnemial crest on the proximial tibia, and an ascending process on astragalus. These four dinosaur synapomorphies are related to vertical limb support.
The biggest mystery surrounding the dinosaur is how did they die? For over 130 million years dinosaurs ruled the earth. Then 65 million years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous period, they died out.
The Tyrannosaurus is part of the Tyrannosauroidea family. My grandpa says their also part of the family of chicken. They were about 40 feet long,15 to 20 feet tall, and their arms were about 3 feet. They were 5 to 7 ton in weight and their head was five feet long that’s almost as big as me.
In America guns have been a part of the country’s society since it’s birth. Throughout history the citizens of the US have used firearms to protect the nation, protect their families, hunt for food and engage in sporting activities. The issue of Guns and gun control is complex. In the United States, gun control is one of these tumultuous issues that has both sides firmly entrenched in their positions. In this climate of growing violence, rife with turmoil and crime, gun advocates feel more than ever that their position is justified as citizens of the Land of the Free. Possessing a gun is a fundamental right, and may even be a necessity. Anti- gun lobbyists point to the same growing violence and
In Stephen Jay Gould’s “Sex, Drugs, Disasters, and the Extinction of Dinosaurs”, Gould investigates three possible theories hypothesizing the reason behind the extinction of dinosaurs. The first theory suggests that dinosaurs became extinct due to a rise in temperature, which caused sperm to die, leading to the sterilization of male dinosaurs. The second hypothesis offer that many dinosaurs consumed bitter plants that contained psychoactive agents which their lives could not detoxify out of their systems. The last speculation about the dinosaur’s extinction is that a large cloud of dust formed in the atmosphere after an asteroid hit Earth’s surface. This dust cloud blocked out the sunlight, causing temperatures to drop and made photosynthesis impossible. Gould uses these three theories to lead to his central claim that science isn’t just about making fascinating claims, but should have a well developed hypothesis.
Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton demonstrated many dinosaur characteristics and behaviors. The dinosaurs were fictionally characterized to appeal to the readers. By examining the dinosaur’s appearance and behaviors of dinosaurs such as the duckbilled dinosaur, velociraptor, hypsilophodontids, dilophosaurs, Triceratops, apatosaurs, Tyrannosaurus rex, stegosaurs, and maiasaurs distinguished whether the evidence existed in the field of paleontology. The behaviors and characteristics of the dinosaur are divided into three factors as behaviors that were supported, not supported, and no evidence to support or refute the behavior.
The reason birds lived when the dinosaurs died? Seeds, scientists say is written by Kate Allen. This article talk about how the birds ancestors survived on of the worst days on this planet which is when the asteroid collided with earth.
2) Microscopic analysis of some dinosaur bones showed many similarities (such as growth rate) with the bones of mammals and birds which witness endothermic nature of dinosaurs. Paleontologist Michael D’Emic, in a new study (published in Science), supports this
Dinosaur extinction: An analysis of events and theories that possibly led to the dinosaurs' demise.
Dinosaurs were some of the largest, heaviest and fastest animals to walk the Earth. The longest dinosaur was either the
Nobody knows for sure exactly how the dinosaurs became extinct. However scientists have speculated for decades about possible events that caused the dinosaurs to die out. Possibilities range from asteroids, to volcanoes, to climate changes. One of the more popular or well-known extinction theories involves the belief that an asteroid struck the Earth, causing devastating effects, and triggering mass extinctions around the end of the Cretaceous period.