
Why Did We Enter World War I Dbq Questions And Answers

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WWI started on July 28, 1914 and ended on November 11, 1918. At the time a man named Woodrow Wilson was president at the time. President Wilson did not want to go to war. In DBQ 16: Why Did We Enter World War I?-Historical Context by J. Weston Walch, it says “People were determined to keep out of the conflict and applaud president Wilson when he asked that his fellow citizens remain “neutral in fact as well as in name.””Then Germany started unrestricted warfare and a telegram was intercepted saying that a few of our states were going to be given to mexico if they helped germany attack the U.S. These are the main reasons why the U.S should join WWI. After Great Britain made a blockade to stop trade between the U.S and Germany, Germany started to use their u-boats to have unrestricted warfare. On DBQ 16:Why Did We Enter WWI?-Document 5 it says”... the Imperial German Government that on and after the first day of February it [would] use its submarines to sink every vessel that sought to approach… Great Britain… or the western coasts of europe…”Meaning that if they saw anything on the western coasts of europe or entering Great Britain, they would blow it up. This is an example of unrestricted warfare. Another example, according to an article called The Sinking of the Lusitania it says “At 2:10 in the afternoon a torpedo …show more content…

One reason is that many people died. In an article called World War I casualties it says “The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 6.8 million civilians.” Another reason people might say this is because many U.S citizens didn’t want to join WWI in the first place. in DBQ 16: Why Did We Enter WWI?-Historical Context it says people applaud President Wilson when he asked american citizens to remain neutral. In other words people were happy that they didn’t have to enter WWI. These are some reasons why some people say that the U.S shouldn’t have entered

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