
Why Did The Romans Build The Colosseum

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The question that I was most interested in is why and how did the Romans come up with the idea of building the Colosseum. The Colosseum which was built in the 72 AD but took a lot of years to be completed it was not until 80AD until it was finished. When it was built the Romans still felt as if more needed to be added and it kept being modified from the 81-96 AD. It was three Emperors who were involved with most of the building one of their names was Flavin Dynasty. They named the type of structure which it was known as Amphitheatre but they had so many monuments inside of it that is what made it so unique. The Colosseum had been kept up for many year but a lot of the Domus Aurea was taken down. Later in time the Gladiators were educated

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