
Why Did The Nazis Move To The Ghettos

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The Jews were forced to move to the ghettos because the Nazis wanted to kill them as soon as they got there (Vail 113). The ghettos were deaths camps and they were isolated from the rest of the world (Weinberg 17). About 500,000 Jews were behind the brick wall (Blohm 11).The wall was 8 feet and 2.4 meters high and “Jews were forced to pay for the construction of it.” (Blohm 11). The Nazis made a plan to kill all the Jews and they came up with the ghettos (Vail 112). So they sent the Jews to killing centers (Deportations). The Nazis final solution was to deport and murder 11 million Jews (Deportations). The first ghetto built was in 1939 and “28,000 people had previously resided” (Blohm 11). To transport the Jews to the ghettos, Nazis would put them into rail cars and cattle cars …show more content…

Then, Nazis would try to kill them by starving them, torturing them, and showers (Vail 113). The Nazis would kill the Jews by showers by saying they would get a shower and lock them in a room then fill it up with a toxic gas that would suffocate them and die (Vail 113). Along with the ghettos, Jews were forced to move to concentration camps. Hitler sent the Jews to the concentration camps for multiple reasons. One of those reasons was because Jewish people were not his ideal image, which was light skin with blond hair and blue eyes. So he expected his people to look perfect. Another reason would be that he just wanted to kill them (Vail 114). The first concentration camp built was called Dachau. 200,000 people moved there through the years of 1933-1945 (Blohm 21). But people first moved there March 32, 1933 (Adler 105). At the concentration camps, prisoners wore striped uniforms and were forced to

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