5. According to the textbook,” the southern German states honored their military alliances with Prussia and joined the war effort against the French. (P. 668).” On September 2, 1870, The Prussia armies advanced into France and at Sedan, and that they captured the whole French army and Napoleon himself. Even when the second Empire of French collapsed, the war did not stop, the war kept on going. However, after a couple of months, Paris was capitulated. Paris was capitulated in January 28,1871. The Peace Treaty was officially signed in May. The France had to pay 5 billion Francs which is about 1 billion dollars, and the France had to give up the Provinces of Alsace to the German state. The French people weren’t pleased with this treaty. The
According to the study of Savada (1995) mentioned that there are 3 main reasons causing France to colonize Laos which are France had a competition with England to imperial countries in Asia, the French had changed and developed to be a path of trade in order to transport goods to China and countries in Indochina such as Vietnam and Cambodia, and lastly, Laos is an abundance of natural resources country fulfilling with precious stones such as gold, and tin; in addition, forest resources such as timbers. Therefore, Laos have been seen as an underdeveloped small country and easy to conquer and it was seen to be take advantages rather than developed by
The Paris Commune was caused by an accumulation of events, one of them being the Franco- Prussian war, a war was declared
Napoleon’s self-defeating actions were more important for his defeat. Napoleon lost because: (1) he relentlessly pursued a flawed campaign of economic warfare against Great Britain; (2) he refused to acknowledge strategic overreach during the Peninsular War; and (3) he failed to accept culmination during the invasion of Russia in 1812. These actions served to thwart Napoleon’s interests and did not achieve their intended results. More importantly, it will be seen that they combined to create a momentum against France that Napoleon could not overcome.
During 1780s to 1790s France was in total chaos. France was ruled by the Bourbon family King Louis XVI from 1754 to 1793, it was an absolute monarch and they had absolute power and did not share it with a legislature. The situation was already bad before Louis XVI began his reign, but situation got worse. In the end, there was a revolution in France and a vast amount changes to the society and the government of France. Louis XVI himself was executed and killed; while France was established as a democratic country. There were different reasons for Louis's downfall: social, economic, political conditions. Also reasons such as the Age of Enlightenment when some philosophers had new ideas of how the country should be ruled, the inequalities
The war grew out of the rivalry of the increasing power of Prussia and the decreasing power of Austria. Finally, it was caused by the Schleswig-Holstein controversy. Prussia's backing came from the majority of North German states and Italy. While, the South German states, Nassau, Frankfort, and Hanover gave their assistance to Austria. Though, some Southern Germans would unite with Prussia, since it was the victor of German unity, and was in condition to make her championship successful.
The Treaty of Versailles was a way to bring down Germany, according to France. France would be able to take back its territory due to Wilson’s fourteen points and also copied into document seven. France got back Alsace-Lorraine and was able to work its coal mines. In the aftermath of the war, France
Through the world, we see economic failure and success in all countries, and France is no different. During the mid-nineteen 40’s through the nineteen 50’s France seemed to be in an economic distress. The “Monnet Plan”, named after Frenchman Jean Monnet, was a plan to have economic growth throughout its land. The plan called to nationalize economic sectors throughout the country. An electricity, coal, banking and transportation that fell under state control after World War II. After the Monnet Plan, economic boom lifted France into a world power. This shifted growth and prosperity in the country for “Thirty Glorious Years”. For thirty years, the country of France would grow until the major downturn in all of Europe in the seventies.
By May 1940, Europe had been at war for nine months, but there had been little real fighting. This tense period of anticipation, know as the ‘Phoney War’, came to an abrupt end on May 10, 1940 when Germany launched an attack on France and the Low Countries. Germany’s plan of attack, condemned “Case Yellow”, was to launch an armoured offensive through the Ardennes Forest, bypassing the strong French defences of the Maginot Line while German forces attacked in the north of Belgium. The main German thrust through the Ardennes was a great success and further conflict between France and Germany ensued before coming to an end with the surrender of France on June 22, 1940. So, why was France unable to resist German forces? It was because France had
In ancient times, France was known as Gallia and was conquered by the roman emperor Julius Cesar. Back then, the territory conquered included the lands of Belgium and Switzerland, under the roman empire, many public buildings and theaters were built, many of them are beautiful architectural wonders today, like for example ancient waterways and amphitheaters. After being under control of the roman empire, the Francs conquered France and divided it into three parts. One of those three parts became Francia (Country of the Franks). This new kingdom gives a big part of their territories to the Scandinavian vikings to make peace with them.
In 1870 Germany grew larger in size, population and economically, later become the leader country of the world and changing the European power balance. Because of this, the rest of the Europe thought of Germany as a threat. This then created tension between the two. Eventually Europe divided into two hostile camps, one side living under the power of Europe and the other side living under the powers of Germany. Crisis started to rise and war then broke out. Many expected the war to be short but ended up being a long horrific event. The first battle in Marne caused over a quarter of a million dead and wounded. At the end of the war many developing countries in depressions and many lives lost. The war seemed to have no conclusion, something had
Before he was even born, Paris was thought out to be a disaster. His parents were King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy. While he was still in his mother's womb, she had a vision in her sleep about giving birth to a flaming torch. Queen Hecuba hired a future teller and the person told her the child would bring great disaster and chaos. On the day of Paris's birth, he was brought to the top of Mount Ida, where he was left to die in the cold. A shepherd was on the same mountain and came across the baby. He took him into his home and decided to raise Paris.
The French Revolution was a failure because after all of the blood shed, the laws, civil rights, and codes did not get instituted effectively and did not represent the values that the citizens fought for, examples of this were the Napoleonic Code, Declaration of Rights of Man. Another reason it was a failure was because during the revolts and reforms more than 40,000 men and women died, this enormous massacre of people went against Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, all of which the national assembly declared were every man's right. Much of the killing can be related back to Robespierre and King Louis XVI. Although it was mostly a failure, some achievements can be seen through the revolution, the French revolution helped the french people become a more equal and socialist state, this showed Europe that the french
The main reason why the French Revelation happened was that the King, the Queen, and their predecessors were known for their extravagant spending habits, which had left the country nearly bankrupt. Because of this, the taxes were raised to salvage what was left of the economy. Because of these raised taxes, the people of France started striking, looting and rioting, showing their despair and unhappiness.
When the French and Prussia War first began, The Prussians were not going after the life style of the people in which they grew up in and wanted to affect the lives of the people of the small towns. Actually, the war began
The Franco-Prussian War took place from 1870-1871, and was a conflict between France and the German states led by Prussia. The initial cause of the war was the result of Otto von Bismarck’s (the German chancellor), goal of unifying the German Empire. The first step of the plan was to rid Germany of all French influence (History World – Franco-Prussian War). This plan greatly worried Napoleon III, the leader of France at the time. This apprehension added to the concerns Napoleon had about Prussia after it’s victory in the Austro-Prussian war, as he felt that Prussia’s newfound military strength threatened France. On the other hand, Otto von Bismarck encouraged the alienation between France and Prussia to unify the states of S Germany. On July