
Why Did God Give Nebuchadnezzar Siege Jerusalem?

Decent Essays

The book of Daniel is the 29th book in the bible. It shows the people of Israel and Babylon what he will do to the wicked people. It also shows that God will not abandon anyone who trusts him. He will recreate them because of their sin if they trust in him. Is the book of Daniel to show the Babylonians that God is glorious over the whole world and not Babylonians god? I have some questions regarding King Nebuchadnezzar in the book of David. Why did King Nebuchadnezzar siege Jerusalem? Why did he capture the Israelites? Why did God give Nebuchadnezzar some of the vessels of the temple of God? Did Nebuchadnezzar know they were from the Temple of God because he placed them in the temple treasury of his god? Was King Nebuchadnezzar being prideful when he only wanted the perfect and best …show more content…

Why did Daniel and his friends want to become part of the King’s service? Did God tell them to do so? Did God give Daniel the understanding of dreams and visions just to tell Nebuchadnezzar about his? Why did the Chaldeans not just give Nebuchadnezzar a false meaning of his dream? Was God upset with Nebuchadnezzar because he was wicked enough to kill his own people if they could not tell him the meaning of his dream? Was God also upset that Nebuchadnezzar captured Jerusalem? What was the meaning of the four different kingdoms? What was the kingdom that would bring all the other kingdoms to an end? If Nebuchadnezzar believed that Daniel’s God was the God of gods, then why did he still have a golden statue made for his god? Was God also upset with Nebuchadnezzar for worshiping another god? Was God upset that he threw three of the wise men into the furnace? Was Nebuchadnezzar cast out of human society for seven years because he heated the furnace seven times more than usually? Did the furnace fire kill Nebuchadnezzar’s servants who threw the wise men in? If so, did Nebuchadnezzar get upset that his men were consumed by the

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