
Why Did George Kill Lennie

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In the book Of Mice and Men George kills his friend Lennie at the end. I do not agree with the choice that George made to kill Lennie. Some people might say that George made a good decision to kill Lennie but here is why they are wrong. My reasons are that George could have shot curly and his men when they were after Lennie. My next reason is Lennie always tried to make things the best and he always tried and didn’t give up. My last reason is that George could have told Lennie to run away somewhere where Curley and his men couldn’t find him. Those are the reasons why george shouldn't've killed Lennie. My first reason that George shouldn’t have killed Lennie is because George could have shot Curley and his men to protect Lennie. My evidence to support this is that Curley has always been trying to start fights and to start things up with people and if George tried to kill Curley then he wouldn’t have to deal with Curly anymore. He also wouldn’t have to Curley coming in and picking on Lennie and making Lennie uncomfortable. George wouldn’t have to hear him come in and ask where his wife is and if anyone has seen her. …show more content…

My evidence for this is that Lennie spent so much time bucking barley and getting paid to save for the farm they were going to have. George shouldn’t have shot him because now Lennie doesn't ever get to go to the farm or help with the rabbits because George made a decision to kill him. Lennie never got to see the day where George left and went to start somewhere else where it was better even though Lennie worked hard and tried his best George made a decision to kill

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