
Why Did Christopher Columbus Wrong

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This new land Christopher Columbus has called Hispana, is filled with slavery, disease, death and many horrible scenes for gold. Columbus wants Spain to invade, gain gold and convert the natives to Christians. As King of Spain, I do not believe that colonization is worth the costs it will take; too many people are sick or killed from disease. Spaniards are doing the wrong thing as Christians killing and enslaving the peaceful natives for gold on their land and although our country will get gold and land, we will have a terrible reputation as individuals who want to prosper at the expense of others. When Columbus arrived in Hispana, he and his crew brought a disease called smallpox onto the island with them. Smallpox is a disease that …show more content…

I believe Spain and Columbus’ men did the wrong thing in enslaving the natives and not taking care of them at all. Slavery is an extremely disturbing, awful, terrifying thing to do to someone, yet Columbus and his men had them become slaves and held them against their will to work for the country of Spain. The natives had no authority or power over the men to stop working or have a break. The slaves worked non-stop for days without rest to find something that our country needed and meant nothing to them. The men should have just left them in peace, the way they were, instead of disturbing their land and precious resources, leaving them with barely anything. I believe Spain should not continue with this type of behavior because Spain will gain gold, resources and land, yet Spain as a country will have a horrible reputation as Spaniards and Christians. I believe Spain should not colonize on Hispana because even though the men will gain gold and land, Spain will potentially make enemies and our country will have a bad reputation.
Columbus picked this island to invade specifically because the natives lack arms and weapons.
Also, Hispana has very fertile land that is great for farming and there is gold, metals, and

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