
Why Colleges Should Ditch Honor Codes Analysis

Decent Essays

Our modern education system expects teachers and, especially, students to abide by certain guidelines and rules. The goal of setting certain standards upon their students and faculty is to teach them limits and values. One of those regulations created by school institutions is the honor-code, which prevents students from plagiarizing and cheating off one another. Susan Greenberg, a journalism instructor and writer for the Washington Post, exposes the usage of honor-codes in colleges as an unnecessary restriction. Meanwhile Lynn Morton, an English professor at Queens University of Charlotte, acknowledges the beneficial effects honor-codes establish. Although Greenburg’s article and Morton’s speech have opposing points-of-view on the impact honor-codes have towards students, both authors provide insightful background and beliefs about the honor-code practices in college campuses. …show more content…

Susan Greenberg, author of “Why Colleges Should Ditch Honor Codes”, discusses the issues behind having an honor-code and why colleges should no longer have this practice. She addresses the conflict at a Stanford University computer science class that brings attention on whether the code is still in appropriate use today. These students enrolled in the course were under questioning about their academic dishonesty and received harsh discipline from their instructor and school. It was a class that related to their future occupational field that involves collaboration with others daily. For some students, the honor-code fails to stop them from cheating and collaborating again outside the classroom. Greenberg does not condone the honor-code usage in colleges, because sharing ideas and knowledge through teamwork is a higher value in the workspace than following an outdated

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