
Why Beef Should Not Be Banned

Decent Essays

In this essay, I will argue that we ought to ban the manufacturing of beef. The consumption and manufacturing of beef has been a leading cause of climate change over the years as it has led to a considerable increase in greenhouse gas emissions, which has led to human suffering. Statistics have shown that greenhouse gas emissions from the livestock industry approximately account for 15 percent of the global total, greater than direct emissions from the transport industry. (Bailey et al. page 2) Thus, if banning the manufacturing of beef can help with lowering greenhouse gas emissions, in turn leading to a more sustainable future, then society is morally required to take action. I come to this conclusion using the ethical approach of Anthropocentrism. I will raise an opposition to my argument based upon one primary claim: beef should not be banned because the manufacturing of beef could arguably cause more harm than good to people. As a result, we should not take such an action that would harm human beings as that would be morally wrong. However, I will show that this objection fails because although it might have short term societal human suffering, in the long run there would be more harm …show more content…

Imagine a situation where there is a problem regarding climate change. This scenario possesses serious long term environmental threats and one of the main contributors is beef manufacturing. Should manufacturers keep producing meat or should beef slowly be phased out? I assume the reader will agree with my claim. This supports the following principle that if society is in danger of global warming, we ought to ban the manufacturing of beef to ensure the reduction of greenhouse gasses, in order to protect the environment and prevent climate change. Even if not for the concern of the environment, anthropocentrism states that the well-being of humans is of utmost significance, as humans need a stable environment to

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