
Why Augustus Caesar was a Better Ruler than Julius Caesar

Decent Essays

The two greatest leaders of Rome are without a doubt Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar. These two men have defined leadership for a country. Many other countries have modeled their ethics and used them as their own to better themselves as a whole. Without these two men, our world would not be the same in just about every way. Although these two men were both great, one of them was better than the other. Although Julius Caesar was a dominant leader, Augustus Caesar was certainly the better leader. Julius Caesar was said to be a great ruler. Julius Caesar conquered many great lands. Some places that Caesar conquered was lands such as Britain, Gaul (modern day France), Egypt, Syria, Pontus (modern day Turkey), and most of the western European continent. “Caesar has always been one of the most controversial characters of history. His admirers have seen in him the defender of the rights of the people against an oligarchy. His detractors have seen him as an ambitious demagogue, who forced his way to dictatorial power and destroyed the republic. That he was gifted and versatile there can be little doubt. He excelled in war, in statesmanship, and in oratory.” (Columbia Electric Encyclopedia) Although Julius Caesar was an excellent leader, he was not as great of a ruler as Augustus Caesar. A major key to being a good leader is that the leader should try to keep his or her people safe. Peace and protection is far better than havoc and destruction. Julius Caesar was a warlord, not a

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