
Why Are You Passionate About This Project?

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Why are you passionate about this project? As a Supervisor of a Health Information Management department within a large health care organization, one of my responsibilities is overseeing the corrections of chart errors made by providers and authors. These corrections encompass both clinical and non-clinical charting errors. I do applaud the strong emphasis placed on patient safety and the prevention of medical errors; however, patient safety does not stop with the completion of the patient 's clinical care, it should also be defined by accurate and correct documentation of patient care. If it is not documented, it didn 't happen. The best clinical care is negated by poor and erroneous chart documentation. Common examples are documenting on the incorrect patient, incorrect dates of birth, spelling/comprehension errors, copy and paste errors, erroneous patient registration errors, etc.) Therefore striving for excellent clinical care should be intertwined with correct documentation of the patient 's care. There is a palpable, lackadaisical attitude among too many providers regarding the correction of chart errors. A disproportionate number of providers see it as a clerical issue which they cannot be bothered with, thus it is (Health Information Management 's) responsibility to ensure the author’s errors are corrected. Historically, HIM has l entrusted with maintaining the integrity of the medical record, but Electronic Medical Records technology affords the

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