
Why Are Civil Liberties Important

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James Madison once said, “Liberty may be endangered by the abuse of liberty, but also by the abuse of power.” Back before our new technology existed, liberty was considered sacred. It was a privilege, but also a right. Although there are times when we need a little bit of guidance, the government did give us the right to choose for ourselves what to do. Slowly, these rights are being taken away from us. Civil liberties are freedoms that the government cannot abridge no matter what. Everyone deserves these rights, but they are being taken away and we do not realize it when it is happening even in today’s society. In the past, we have witnessed occasions where these is more lost than gained. For example, we have fought for our rights, and now due to war, we are losing them. The government forces rules and regulations not found in the Constitution. Another example is the government forcing healthcare upon the citizens. If one does not purchase healthcare, the government issues a fine. We are told we are given choice, but nothing could be further from the truth. The government has access to its citizens personal information no matter what we think they do not know. The U.S. …show more content…

This act was signed by President George W. Bush on September 11, 2001. Due to this document, the government has the right to search and track someone whom they think could possibly be a terrorist. In the past, the government would have to go through more procedures to earn the right to searches and seizures. This act was signed after the 9/11 terrorist attack and was immediately put into effect. At the time, everyone was shaken with fear and didn't know what was best for them. Now that we have seen what has really been taken away from us, we are hesitant to allow the government any more restrictions on our freedom. Nobody wants to be tracked by the government especially when the person they are tracking might not be a terrorist after

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