
Why Are Athletes Not Overpaid

Satisfactory Essays

Athletes are not overpaid because they have to pay for their medical bills .If a football player gets a concussion and only half of his brain is working and he can't open a bottle cap then he will need help from doctors .He has to pay his doctors to help with his problems and to get him better so that he can play football again.Then when he is all better his medical bill will be like thousands of dollars .If he wasn't an athlete then how would he be able to pay all of that money .Athletes have to risk their life in sports.

If you think teachers and nurses and police officers and firefighters should be paid more, fine, so do I, but be prepared to pay higher taxes for them.Instead we would run out of money and when we file for taxes we would only get like 200 dollars or something because all our money would go to firefighters and, nurses and teachers .Think about the homeless people that need the …show more content…

Some Athletes get the money and take it to shelters or give money to homeless people they find on the streets.They might take tqhe money to a restaurant or some public place and be a big part in a persons life for doing that .Some students that are in school might be doing good in school and wanna go to collage and don't have the money for it but an athlete might help.Then when the students go to collage they might get a job and make as much money as the athletes do and go back and pay them back .

But overall, professional athletes set a great example. How many police officers, doctors and schoolteachers are able to start their own charity foundation?None if so not that many .They might start a charity to help kids do better in school so that they can become rich and help others. Another charity might be just to give students something to do instead of sitting at home and be on technology

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