
Why 8th Graders Should Learn About The Holocaust

Decent Essays

The Holocaust is very scary and upsetting to most, but there are many things to learn from it. 8th graders should learn about the Holocaust because it is important to the world's history. It shows how a little bit of hate can turn into the first atomic bomb. The Holocaust also caused World War 2, and that alone is a very important event in the history of the world. In addition, according to the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, students would learn why it is dangerous to be silent about oppression. This also has the advantage of decreasing the hold of bullies in schools. Even though there are many positive points, there still are some downsides to teaching about the Holocaust. Learning about the Holocaust might not be age appropriate. There were lots of violent acts and many, many deaths. The gas chambers are enough to give anyone nightmares. Learning about the senseless deaths of 70 million people from WWII and the Holocaust can be scary for 8th graders. However, there are yet more reasons to teach the Holocaust. It will not only provide incentive for the 8th graders to avoid causing something similar to happen, it will also teach moral lessons. …show more content…

The Holocaust includes many horrific events such as killing 5 million jews and 4 million others. Some notable horrors during the Holocaust were the concentration camps, torture, starvation, and death marches. The concentration camps were most likely the worst part. Not only did victims live in constant fear of what could happen, it was very easy for them to starve to death or get sick and die. The death marches is where the Nazis would force the entire concentration camp to march to another concentration camp while half starved and practically dead. Learning about the Holocaust is important so every human can understand the atrocities that happened during the 12 years of

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