
Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf Essay

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Who Actually is Afraid of Virginia Woolf? In Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, Martha drinks and plays games to distract herself from her own feelings. Martha is the most important character who tries to avoid her flaws. She is afraid to live her life without illusions. Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? shows that people are afraid of exposing their own flaws and their own battle between fiction and reality. Instead, they expose others’ flaws to make themselves look better. One important theme displayed throughout Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? is the idea of the American Dream. The American Dream is the philosophy of being stable. The irony in the play is that George and Martha are not stable. George does not have a stable position at the …show more content…

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MARTHA: Nobody’s asking you to remember every single goddamn Warner . Brothers epic . . . just one (Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, act 1)!

Also Honey is in the bathroom throwing up because she consumed too much alcohol during the play. The alcohol causes a lot of the tension and stupidity in Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Martha decides to play games with the others in the play. Everyone is embarrassing each other throughout the night. Martha and George’s relationship was already disastrous and that night made it worst until the end. Personal information is exposed throughout the night about the couples. Before Nick and Honey arrives, George tells Martha not to mention their “son.” He tells her that because they do not have a son. They have been lying about having a son for a long time. Another secret mentioned during the night was Honey taking birth control. Honey tells George she does not want kids: GEORGE: You don’t know what’s going on, do you? MARTHA: I DON’T WANY ANY . . . NO . . . ! GEORGE: You don’t know whats been going on around here while you been having your snoozette, do you. HONEY: NO! . . . I DON’T WANT ANY . . . I DON’T WANT THEM . . .

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