
Whole Group Discussion Analysis

Decent Essays

Whole-class Discussions: Whole-class discussion provides a number of benefits for the teacher and for the students. Whole-class discussion is beneficial in that is allows all students the chance to participate and gain deeper insight from the comments and questions from the teacher and fellow students. “This form of discussion has the benefit of providing the teacher with a tool to assess student understanding by leading and monitoring the discussion while supplying probing and guiding questions,” (Burden, Byrd, 2012). Along with benefits for the entire class, ELL students also benefit from whole-class discussions. The effective use of whole-class discussions allows for ELL students to hear and practice language in an authentic and academic setting, encouraged and supported by the teacher. “The …show more content…

With the heterogeneous groups the level of discussion and cooperative work is increased, providing benefits for every student partaking. According to Paul Burden and David Byrd (2012), “Having students work in groups generally has a positive effect on their achievement when compared to their work as individuals.” Small-group work and discussions allows for students to improve their communication skill, cooperation skills, and gain new insight and understanding from their peers in a way that could not be achieved working alone. ELL students greatly benefit from small-group discussions and work. “Whatever system is used, teaching students who have limited proficiency in English should include the use of hands-on learning activities and cooperative learning,” (Moore, 2011). By having ELL students participate in small-group discussions they may feel more comfortable to share their thoughts and opinions on the subject or task. By doing this they will grow their communication skills and understanding of the subject matter.

B2. Grouping

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